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Thirsty for blood? This is how you organize a Murder Mystery.


A Murder Mystery is more than an event. It is an experience, where you have the chance to solve a horrible crime and/or be completely immersed in the story by playing a character of your own. The themes vary a lot between different stories, and so does the level of immersion. We have provided this short guide for your convenience to help you choose the right program for your guests.

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The popular choice


A Traditional Murder Mystery by Tuoni Studios is an immersive experience, where every guest has a part to play, with their own goals and tasks. Choices made and actions taken by the characters might have a huge impact on the story and not even the host from Tuoni Studios knows how the story ends. The only sure thing is that every guest has a chance to lie, plot and backstab without any consequences in the real world.


    Guests: 8-70 people   

       Time: 2-3hours           Immersion:  o o o 

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Excitement and entertainment for larger events


A Whodunit is a show where 5-6 guests play the part of suspects in the Murder Mystery. A professional actor from Tuoni Studios plays the detective who interrogates them and entertains the other guests. Playing the suspect’s part doesn’t require Academy Award-worthy talent: Just the ability to avoid suspicion, even under pressure. The other guests also have a chance to ask questions from the detective and suspects, study the evidence and deduce whodunit.


 Guests: 40+ people

Time: 2-3h      

Immersion:  o o 

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Study the evidence to solve the case


In a Show & Dinner, the actors and hosts from Tuoni Studios bring forth a murder case to be solved by the guests. The evidence and the identities of the suspects are unfolded during the show. The guests have a chance to investigate a real crime scene and physical evidence, or view thet evidence on a website, trying to figure out who’s the killer. In certain stories, the conclusions of the guests might affect the show’s outcome.


Guests: 40+ people   

Time: about 2,5 hours

Immersion:  o       

  • What is a Murder Mystery?
    Murder Mystery is an enetrtainment service produced by Tuoni Studios, where, as the name suggests, you can solve mysterious murder cases. There are several methods of implementation, but in Tuoni Studios' traditional Murder Mystery, each participant has their own character to play in the story, the background and starting points are scripted, but no one knows the outcome. The end of the evening depends on the guests' own activities during the program. Murder Mystery can also be delivered as a Show & Dinner. You can read more here or contact us directly and possible questions you might have, will be answered.
  • I got an invitation to Murder Mystery, now what?
    Great! The invitation states the time and place of the event, as well as necessary information about the theme and program. In addition, if the Murder Mystery in question has characters for guests, these are attached to the invitation (not all programs have separate characters, so this is mentioned in the invitation only if you have a character reserved for you). We recommend that you read all the information attached to the invitation, dress according to the theme and show up at the mentioned venue in time. Despite the name, it is not a serious event, but the purpose is to have fun and solve mysteries with your friends, family or colleagues!
  • Who is Murder Mysteries intended for?
    For absolutely everyone; regardless of age, gender, physical limitations or political or religious background. We do corporate events, public events, and private parties. Of course, we always keep the guests’ age range, gender ratio and willingness to participate in mind, when recommending a story. We don't mean to upset anyone more than intended. We give our guests the opportunity to experience something new. Based on the feedback we have received, we have at least managed to entertain our guests. NOTE! Due to the themes, the recommended age limit for Murder Mysteries is 13 years, but in the end, we leave the decision of the suitability to the parents of minors. Some of our stories are clearly R-rated, and cannot be accessed with older sister's or brother's ID.
  • Are Murder Mysteries based on reality?
    No, at least not directly. Some of the events may have been based on historical facts or real people, but all the information, plot twists and character traits attached to them are imaginary. We also don't base our characters on real people who aren't public figures, so any similarities to your character's name, character, or actions are purely a figment of the imagination.
  • Are Murder Mysteries available in English?
    Yes! Almost all of our programs can be hosted in English, and if the program has sections in Finnish, we can provide summaries in English of these to those who need them. However, please let us know in advance if there are English-speaking guests, so we can prepare for this in terms of materials.
  • Are Murder Mysteries available in Swedish?
  • Do you provide other services in addition to the program?
    Sure. We have great partners for everything possible around Finland in terms of facilities, food, drinks, AV technology and decoration. The production and program services are provided by Tuoni Studios, and our programs can be supplemented with external artists, a DJ or, for example, a mentalist, if necessary. We’ll make you an offer for everything you need. However, it is not necessary to order everything possible from us, as we are happy to deliver only the Murder Mystery for your occasion, for which the other arrangements have already been taken care of. We will tell you what we need so that we can produce the program successfully.
  • I can't find a pricing on your website?
    This is for the simple reason that the cost of event production depends on the venue, the number of guests, arrangements and program. However, you can find out the price quickly and easily by contacting us and telling us about your plans. The gentlemen of our customer service are quick in their actions and you will get a clear price without any hidden costs in next to no time.
  • Who actually organizes these events?
    Tuoni Studios is an entertainment company founded in 2008 in Tampere, Finland. Tuoni Studios is known for Finland's most popular Murder Mysteries, but also for its other live events. More than 3,000 events have been produced over the years. The main area of operation is the whole of Finland, but, when necessary, we have also crossed the country borders to entertain people. Tuoni Studios writes and implements experience programs, gamificating and making narratives for events, and does event planning and production. If necessary, we handle your event from start to finish, including venue reservations, food and drink orders, scheduling and other arrangements.
  • How can I get to work or do an internship with you?
    Contact us either through the form or send us a message to Tell us briefly and concisely what kind of job you are looking for and what experience you have. We will contact you and, if necessary, arrange an interview either face-to-face or over the phone.
  • Where does the name Tuoni Studios come from?
    Tuoni or Tuonela is a realm of the dead appearing in Finnish mythology (e.g. Kalevala), also known as Manala or Vainajala. In Tuonela, the dead wander as shadowy ghosts and, according to legend, it is located on an island behind a dark stream. Tuonela is also the source of all information that is not available from the world of the living. Väinämöinen went to get this knowledge from Tuoni in Kalevala, and we see no reason why ancient knowledge would not be valid in the modern world as well. In our case, Tuonela can also refer to our office in the center of Tampere or to the Kalevala-like soul landscape, which represents to us peace in the middle of this hectic, worldly journey.
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